Information about the Leadership at Kasturba Medical College, Manipal.
Dr. Padmaraj Hegde, M.Ch.(Genito Urinary Surgery)
Dean KMC, Manipal
Contact: Kasturba Medical College, Madhav Nagar, Manipal, Udupi-576104 Phone: +91 820 2922367 / 2571201
Fax no. 91-0820-2571927 (KMC Office)
Fax no. 91-0820-2571927 (KMC Office)
dean.kmc@manipal.edu, office.kmc@manipal.edu

Dr Avinash Shetty
Medical Superintendent
Dr Avinash Shetty MD (Community medicine)
Medical Superintendent, Kasturba Hospital
Contact: Kasturba Hospital, Manipal, Madhav Nagar, Manipal, Udupi-576104
phone: +91 820 2922444, Fax: +91 820 2571934
e-mail: office.kh@manipal.edu

Dr. Naveen Sulakshan Salins-Associate Dean
Dr. Naveen Sulakshan Salins MD Gen Med (Manipal), PhD Palliative Care (Lancaster University, UK), FRCP (Glasgow), FRCP (London). , Clin Dip Pall Med (Adelaide), Clin Fellowship Pall Med (Adelaide)
Associate Dean
Dr. Salins is a Professor and Head of the Department of Palliative Medicine and Supportive Care at KMC Manipal and the Coordinator of Manipal Comprehensive Cancer Care Centre. He is currrently the Associate Dean of KMC, Manipal, Since 2023
Contact: Kasturba Medical College
Phone: +91 820 2922367
e-mail: naveen.salins@manipal.edu

Dr. Anil Bhat
Associate Dean MBBS, MS (Orthopaedics)
Dr Anil K. Bhat MS(Ortho), DNB (Ortho)
Associate Dean
He joined as a faculty in the Department of Orthopaedics, KMC, Manipal, in 1999. He has served as Professor and Head of the department. He is currently the Associate Dean of KMC, Manipal since 2019
Contact: Kasturba Medical college
Phone: +91 820 2922869, e-mail: anil.bhat@manipal.edu

Dr. Kanthilatha Pai - Associate Dean
Dr. Kanthilatha Pai MBBS, MD(Pathology)
Associate Dean
She joined as faculty in the Department of Pathology, KMC Manipal in 1993. She served as a Professor and Head of the department. She is currently Associate Dean of KMC Manipal since 2023
Contact: Kasturba Medical College
Phone: +91 0820 2933529
e-mail: kl.pai@manipal.edu