Start Date: May 10, 2024

End Date: May 10, 2024

Enriching Celebration of Academic Excellence at DLHS Annual Day 2024!

The DLHS Annual Day 2024 was a remarkable event, bringing together the DLHS family to celebrate our academic journey and achievements. Held on May 10th at the AB 4 Auditorium, the event was marked by inspiring speeches, heartfelt recognitions, and cherished memories.

Distinguished Guests:

· Chief Guest: Prof. (Dr.) Madhu Veeraraghavan, Pro Vice-Chancellor MAHE, B'LRU

· Guest of Honour: Dr. Raghavendra Prabhu, Deputy Registrar - MAHE, B'LRU

Event Highlights:

The celebration began with a solemn invocation and the lighting of the lamp, symbolizing the illumination of knowledge and wisdom. This was followed by a warm welcome address and an insightful annual report by Dr. Shilpa Kalyan, Head of Department, DLHS - MAHE, B'LRU, highlighting the department's achievements over the past year.

Keynote Speeches:

Our Chief Guest and Guest of Honour delivered inspiring addresses, sharing invaluable insights and words of encouragement with our students and faculty members, enhancing the significance of the occasion.

Award Ceremony:

The highlight of the evening was the Award Ceremony, where we honored our PG Best Outgoing Students for their exemplary performance and dedication. This recognition was a testament to their hard work and commitment to academic excellence.

Student Reflections:

Our PG students shared moving and inspiring reflections on their personal experiences and journeys at DLHS, echoing the spirit of perseverance, resilience, and growth that defines our institution.

Recognition of Achievements:

We celebrated the outstanding achievements of our students across various academic and extracurricular domains, awarding them for their excellence and contributions. Each accolade was a testament to the talent and dedication of our students.


The event concluded with a heartfelt vote of thanks, expressing gratitude to all who contributed to the success of the DLHS Annual Day 2024. It was a momentous occasion filled with laughter, joy, and a deep sense of pride in our collective accomplishments.


We are deeply grateful for the unwavering support of our faculty, staff, students, and esteemed guests, which made this event a memorable success. As we look back on this celebration, we are filled with gratitude and pride in our collective achievements.