Introduction: Lung recruitment manoeuvre (RM) opens up collapsed segments of the ARDS lung but the collapse may reappear once the RM is complete and pre-RM positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) is applied. Aim: Evaluation of the outcome of setting PEEP using decrement PEEP titration (antiderecruitment manoeuvre - ADRM) after an alveolar recruitment manoeuvre (RM) in ARDS patients. Methods: Twenty four mechanically ventilated adult patients with ARDS were enrolled. This was a randomised, prospective study. After recording baseline parameters, on pressure control ventilation and stabilisation, RM was performed. The responders were randomly assigned to one of two groups: ‘Antiderecruitment RM’ (ADRM) group and ‘Only RM’ (RM) group. ADRM group received RM using volume control ventilation and optimal PEEP was set after RM using decremental PEEP titration method. The RM group patients were returned to baseline ventilator settings after manoeuvre. Results: Of the 24 patients, 13 were males and 11 female. The mean (± SD) age was 43 (± 13.43) years. Twelve patients responded to the initial recruitment manoeuvre of which six were assigned to RM group and six to ADRM group. There was no difference in survival rate between the groups. The ICU and hospital stay were shorter in patients in ADRM group as compared to only RM group. Conclusion: Only half of the patients with ARDS respond to recruitment manoeuvres with an improvement in oxygenation. In most responders, the improvement is sustained irrespective of whether RM only or ADRM was used. Mortality is high if the baseline P/F ratio is below 90.