International Biomedical Laboratory Science Day Celebration- 2017 | Department of Medical Laboratory Technology

April 25, 2017


Valedictory function of IBLS Day

on 18th April 2017

Chief guest of the day Dr.B. Rajashekar, Dean SOAHS, Manipal Academy of Higher Education 

Dr. Saleena Ummer V, Head of the Department delivered the keynote on the importance of the day. 

The purpose of the event is to motivate students to participate in various extracurricular activities, prepare best out of waste and exhibit it.


Cerrtificate distribution to the winners of several events conducted during the IBLS week by our beloved Dean Dr. B Rajashekar 


Student ideas and creativity, understanding that waste material is something found in the garbage or something that is normally intended to be thrown away.


IBLS day concluded with Cultural event


Displayed items was handed over to Mr. Jaivittal, Estate supervisor, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal on behalf of ASARE- A rehabilitation center, Manipal.
