Dr. John Solomon M
Additional Professor & Associate Dean
Department of Physiotherapy
- Coordinator- Centre for Comprehensive Stroke Rehabilitation and Research
- Clinical Incharge: Balance and vestibular rehabilitation Unit and Neurosurgery wards
Dr. John Solomon M is Additional Professor at the Department of Physiotherapy and Associate Dean of MCHP, Manipal.
He is:
Subject | Semester / Year |
Exercise Therapy | I BPT |
Exercise Therapy | II BPT |
PT Neuro | III BPT |
Ethics and Administration | III BPT |
Electrodiagnosis | IV BPT |
Physiotherapy Theory and Practice | I MPT |
Neurorehabilitation | II MPT |
Degree | Specialisation | Institute | Year of passing |
Manipal University- FAIMER fellowship | Leadership in Interprofessional education and practice | MFIILIPE, MAHE | 2018 |
PhD | Neurorehabilitation | Manipal Academy of Higher Education | 2010 |
MPT | Neurosciences | School of Allied Health Sciences, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal | 2003 |
BPT | SRIPMS, Coimbatore, Dr. MGR University | 2000 |
Institution / Organisation | Designation | Role | Tenure |
Manipal College of Health Professions | Associate Dean | Administrator, Academician, PhD Supervisor , Teacher | November 2024 till present |
MCHP | Associate Professor Senior Scale | Head of the Department, PhD Supervisor, Teacher | 2019 to present |
MCHP | Associate Professor | PhD Supervisor, Teacher | 2008 - till date |
MCHP | Assistant Professor | Teacher | 2006-2008 |
MCHP | Lecturer | Teacher | 2003-2006 |
MCHP | PG cum tutor | Clinical teaching for undergraduate students | 2001-2003 |
ENHANCE: Enhancing brain plasticity for sensorimotor recovery in spastic hemiparesis
2016-01-01 John Solomon M
Funding agency: International Development Research Centre, Canada/ The Royal institution for the advancement of Learning, McGill University, Canada (135,573 CAD); Duration: Jan 2016 - Nov 2018; Role: Co-Investigator
Improving rehabilitation services through evidence-based practice – assessing neurological recovery
2013-01-05 John Solomon M
Funding agency: Grand challenges, Canada (33,618 CAD); Duration: May 2013 - Dec 2014; Role: Co-Investigator
Virtual reality stroke rehabilitation
2013-01-11 John Solomon M
Funding agency: Grand challenges, Canada (13,390 CAD); Duration: Nov 2013 - July 2014; Role: Co-investigator
Virtual reality training in improving balance in elderly
John Solomon M
Funding agency: DST-TIDE, Department of Science and Technology, Government of India (INR 12,50,000; Duration: Sanctioned; Role: Prinicpal Investigator
Development and testing of a web portal for facilitating adherence to home-based physical exercises among community-dwelling stroke survivors
2018-04-01 John Solomon M
Funding agency: Society of Indian Physiotherapists INR 25,000/- Role: Co-PI Duration: April 2018 to March 2019
A Phase 3, Multi Arm, Multi Stage, Covariate Adjusted, Response - Adaptive Randomized Trial To Determine Optimal Early Mobility Training After Stroke (AVERT DOSE)
2020-08-01 John Solomon M
Funding agency: Florey Institue, Australia Role: Co-I Duration: August 2020 to May 2024
Physical activity promotion for stroke survivors living in community
2019-02-01 John Solomon M
Funding agency: PHRI Role: PI INR 16,44,330/- Duration: February 2019 to August 2020
Development and feasibility of Adaptive sports for promoting physical activity in community dwelling stroke survivors
2019-04-01 John Solomon M
Funding agency: Society of Indian Physiotherapists Role: Co-PI INR 25,000/- Duration: April 2019 to March 2020
Development and testing of a web portal for facilitating adherence to home-based physical exercises among community-dwelling stroke survivors
2019-05-01 John Solomon M
Funding agency: Society of Indian Physiotherapists Role: Co-PI INR 25,000/- Duration: May 2018 to May 2019
Area of Interest
Stroke Rehabilitation, Vestibular and balance rehabilitation and Interprofessional education and practice
Area of Expertise
Stroke rehabilitation, Vestibular rehabilitation, Acquired brain and spinal cord injury rehabilitation
Area of Research
Physiotherapy in Neurosciences, Motor control, Balance
Professional Affiliations & Contributions
Professional affilitations:
- Indian Association of Physiotherapists
- International Spinal Cord Society
- Indian federation of neurological rehabilitation
- International society of motor control
- World federation of neurorehabilitation
- Society of Indian Physiotherapists
- World Stroke Organization
- Research training in motor control at McGill University during June 12gth to 24th 2013
- Motor control Summer School a training course for research in motor control conducted at Tihany, Hungary June 14th to 18th 2012
Evidence-based stroke rehabilitation: do priorities for practice change and feasibility of implementation vary across high income, upper and lower-middle income countries?,
2021-04-13 Sanjana Gururaj Marie-Louise Bird Karen Borschmann Janice J. Eng Caroline Leigh Watkins Marion F. Walker John Solomon M SRRR2 KT working group
Disability and Rehabilitation, DOI: 10.1080/09638288.2021.1910737
Gait training interventions for patients with stroke in India: A systematic review
2020-10-16 Apoorva M. Shankaranarayana Sanjana Gururaj Dr. N Manikandan Chitralakshmi K. Balasubramanian John Solomon M
Gait & Posture, 2021, 83, 132-140, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gaitpost.2020.10.012
Exercise intensity of the upper limb can be enhanced using a virtual rehabilitation system
2020-05-18 Baniña MC Molad R John Solomon M Berman S Soroker N Frenkel-Toledo S Liebermann DG Levin MF
Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol. 2020 May 18:1-7. doi: 10.1080/17483107.2020.1765421.
Moving Stroke Rehabilitation Research Evidence into Clinical Practice: Consensus-Based Core Recommendations From the Stroke Recovery and Rehabilitation Roundtable
2019-10-29 Eng JJ Bird ML Godecke E Hoffmann TC Laurin C Olaoye OA John Solomon M Teasell R Watkins CL Walker MF
Neurorehabil Neural Repair. 2019 Nov;33(11):935-942. doi: 10.1177/1545968319886485.
Effectiveness of a multifactorial context-enhancing functional therapy to promote functional arm use and recovery of stroke survivors: study protocol for a clinical trial.
2019-09-17 Rajagopalan V Dr. N Manikandan Gorthi SP Sebastian Padickaparambil John Solomon M
BMJ Open. 2019 Sep 17;9(9):e023963. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-023963.
Effect of Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) on spasticity in adults with stroke: A systematic review and meta-analysis
2018-11-16 Amreen Mahmood Sundar Kumar Veluswamy Aditi Hombali Aditi Mullick Dr. N Manikandan John Solomon M
Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2019 Apr;100(4):751-768. doi: 10.1016/j.apmr.2018.10.016.
Facilitators and barriers to using neurological outcome measures in developed and developing countries
2018-11-07 Marika Demers Andréanne K. Blanchette Aditi A. Mullick Akash Shah Kathleen Woo John Solomon M Mindy F. Levin
Physiother Res Int. 2019 Jan;24(1):e1756. doi:10.1002/pri.1756. Epub 2018 Nov 7.
Activation of elbow extensors during passive stretch of flexors in patients with post-stroke spasticity
2018-07-24 Levin MF John Solomon M Shah A Blanchette AK Feldman AG
Clin Neurophysiol. 2018 Oct;129(10):2065-2074. DOI: 10.1016/j.clinph.2018.07.007
Personalized upper limb training combined with anodal-tDCS for sensorimotor recovery in spastic hemiparesis: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
2018-01-04 Levin MF Baniña MC Frenkel-Toledo S Berman S Soroker N John Solomon M Liebermann DG
Trials. 2018 Jan 4;19(1):7
Effect of Kinect based training on trunk control in patients with stroke
2015-01-01 Xina Quadros Senthil Kumaran D John Solomon M
Role: Guide
Effect of functional electrical stimulation on standing posture during post operative rehabilitation in children with spastic diplegia
2015-01-01 Manmohita Divya Mohan John Solomon M
Role: Co-Guide
Effect of Kinect based virtual reality game training in persons with Unilateral Vestibular Hypofunction
2015-01-01 Sanjana Dr. N Manikandan John Solomon M
Role: Guide
Influence of optic flow guided treadmill walking in children
2014-01-01 Kalashree Senthil Kumaran D John Solomon M
Role: Guide
Influence of posterior leaf spring ankle foot orthosis on balance and gait parameters in hemiparetic patients
2014-01-01 Neha Kutumbe Dr. N Manikandan John Solomon M
Role: Guide
Analysis of balance and function in different peripheral vestibular disorders
2014-01-01 Fayeza Akhtar Senthil Kumaran D John Solomon M
Role: Guide
Intermanual transfer in participants with hemiparesis following stroke: A pilot study
2013-01-01 Priyadarshini G R Senthil Kumaran D John Solomon M
Role: Guide
Comparison of home based endurance and resistance training on function and mobility in participants with paraplegia: A prelimenary study
2013-01-01 Akash Shah John Solomon M
Role: Guide
Influence of seat surface on Upper limb function in children with spastic diplegic cerebral palsy.
2012-01-01 Asmi D Mehta John Solomon M
Role: Guide
Comparison of TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) and FES (Functional Electical Stimulation) on lower limb spaticity in patients with spinal card injury.
2012-01-01 Anjali S John Solomon M Dr. N Manikandan
Role: Co-guide
Trunk muscle activation during functional activities of the extremities in stroke patients.
2012-01-01 Varanasi Archana Senthil Kumaran D John Solomon M
Role: Co-guide
Postural Sway During Dual - task Conditions in Children with spastic Diplegic Cerebral Palsy
2011-01-01 Asir John Samuel John Solomon M
Role: Guide
Axial Disabilities in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease in India- A Survey
2011-01-01 Nicole Dsouza John Solomon M Dr. N Manikandan
Role: Co-guide
Effect of Functional Electrical Stimulation for Quadriceps on Weight Bearing Symmetry in Acute Hemiparetic Subjects- A Case Report
2011-01-01 Aditi Chandrakar John Solomon M
Role: Guide
Association of gross motor development with severity of hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy up to six months of age
2010-01-01 Rujal Kansara John Solomon M Bhamini K Rao
Role: Co-guide
Effect of inter hemispheric activity training on reaction time with Downs syndrome
2010-01-01 Pratiksha Rao Vijayamuniraj Bhamini K Rao
Role: Guide
Effect of mirror therapy on hand function in hemiplegic patients : A randomised control trial
2010-01-01 Aditi Mullick Senthil Kumaran D Bhamini K Rao
Role: Guide
Correlation of Isometric Quadriceps Endurance with the Functional Mobility in Normal Elderly
2009-01-01 Monica Dhiman John Solomon M Dr. N Manikandan
Role: Co-guide
Effect of Functional Electrical Stimulation on Trunk Control in Acute Hemiplegic Patients
2009-01-01 Nishanth Mahajan Senthil Kumaran D John Solomon M
Role: Guide
Concurrent Validity of Pediatric Balance Scale (PBS)
2009-01-01 Snahal Rathi John Solomon M Vijayamuniraj
Role: Guide
Effect of vestibular adaptation exercise on balance following vestibular Schwannoma Resection-A randomized Control Trial
2009-01-01 Viral Shah Senthil Kumaran D John Solomon M
Role: Guide
Correlation between postural deformation & balance in patients with Parkinsonism
2009-01-01 Sunil Bhat Vijaymuniraj John Solomon M
Role: Guide
Prevalence of Upper Extremity Discomfort in Clerical Workers and Effect of Physiotherapy Education in its Prevention.
2008-01-01 Shweta Bodke John Solomon M Dr. Kavitha Raja
Role: Co-guide
Effect of Myofascial Release over Stretching on Elbow Flexors Spasticity.
2008-01-01 Sudhir Bhatbolan Vijayamuniraj John Solomon M
Role: Guide
Reliability and Predictive Validity of Trunk Impairment Scale (TIS) in Patients with Acute Stroke.
2008-01-01 Arumbur Geeson David Senthil Kumaran D John Solomon M
Role: Guide
Correlation of Paediatric Reach Test with Paediatric Balance Scale as a Measure of Balance in Children between Age Group of 5-10 Years.
2008-01-01 S.Devika Rani Bhamini K Rao John Solomon M
Role: Guide