Student works

Smart Posture, Smart Child!
Students and staffs| Dept. of Occupational Therapy

The main purpose of this project was to create awareness among students and teachers regarding un-ergonomic factors and their negative consequences in children’s lives.

Be a Buddy, Not a Bully!
Students and staffs| Dept. of Occupational Therapy

The aim of the program was to sensitise children about bullying and its causes. They were also made aware of the consequences of bullying and different psycho-social.

Awareness program at Syndicate Bank, Manipal
Students and staffs| Dept. of Occupational Therapy

The aim of the program was to sensitise the bank employees about various work-related health problems and preventive measures, which may be adopted by them.

Awareness Program on Mental Health in Adolescents
Students and staffs| Dept. of Occupational Therapy

The objective of the project was to sensitise the students on the effects of Social Media, Stress, Bullying, Body Image, Time use and Lifestyle on mental health.

Awareness Program on Mental Health in Adolescents
Students and staffs| Dept. of Occupational Therapy

A walkathon was conducted  by the Department in collaboration with Udupi Senior Citizens’ Association and SCIO foundation to promote well-being of older adults.