Renjulal Yesodharan

Assistant Professor - Senior Scale

Department of Mental Health (Psychiatric) Nursing


    • Subject Coordinator - Mental Health Nursing
    • Program Coordinator - MPhil Nursing
    • Program Coordinator- Certificate Course in Forensic Nursing
    • Principal Investigator- ICMR funded Project
    • UGC Activity - Coordinator


Subject Semester / Year
Forensic Nursing Semester V BSc Nursing
Psychiatric Nursing (Mental Health) I Year MSc Nursing
Applied Psychology Semester I BSc Nursing
Mental Health Nursing II year PBBSc Nursing
Mental Health Nursing Semester V & VI BSc Nursing
Foundations of critical care Nursing Practice II Year NPCC


Degree Specialisation Institute Year of passing
Master of Philosophy in Nursing MCON Manipal 2014
Master of Science in Nursing Psychiatric Nursing (Mental health) MCON Manipal 2011
Certificate Course in Management Manipal Institute of Management 2009
Bachelor of Science in Nursing MCON Manipal 2008


Institution / Organisation Designation Role Tenure
Manipal College of Nursing Manipal Assistant Professor Academic 18th June 2018 to till date
Manipal College of Nursing Manipal Lecturer Academic 20th February 2014 to 17th June 2018
Bishop Benziger College of Nursing, Kollam Lecturer Academic 1st February 2012- 15th January 2014

ICMR Funded Projects (PI)-Study to assess the effectiveness of forensic training of medical and nursing officers of urban and rural health centres on identification of injuries and medico-legal evidence collection in sexual assault and domestic violence cases in Karnataka: A Randomized controlled trial. April 2023 to April 2025

Tessy Treesa Jose Dr Vinod Nayak Dr Nirmal Krishnan Mr Praveen A

ICMR Funded Project (PI), Indian Council of Medical Research

Integrated health care of LGBT: Development of curriculum and capacity building of health care providers, 2022-2024

Mamatha Shivananda Pai Dr Nirmal Krishnan Dr Vikram Palimar Dr Bhavan Bhat Dr Latha

ICMR Funded Project (Co-I), Indian Council of Medical Research

“A SAMARPAN Program Prevention of Suicide, Substance abuse, Abuse and Neglect, Eating problems, Peer pressure, Managing emotions and Behavioural problems among children in primary school of Karnataka, 2023-2026

Mrs Sanju pant Tessy Treesa Jose Flavia Sharlet Noronha Mr Praveen A

ICMR Funded Project (Co-I), Indian Council of Medical Research


Area of Interest

Sleep disorders, Chronic mental illness, Legal and ethical issues, Forensic evidence collection, SANE

Area of Expertise

Forensic Nursing, Adoloscent Mental Health, Qualitative Research, Quantitative Research, Tool Development, Delphi Technique, Mental Health

Area of Research

Schizophrenia, Forensic Evidence collection, Forensic Training, Qualitative Research, Delphi Technique

Professional Affiliations & Contributions

  • Karnataka Nursing Council
  • Kerala Nurses and Midwifery Council
  • Life member - Trained Nurses Association of India
  • Life member - Indian Society of Psychiatric Nurses
  • Life member - Indian Red Cross Society - Udupi

Awards & Achievements:

  • Most Accomplished Faculty - MCON Annual Awards 2024
  • Best paper- National Conference on 'Nursing Professionals Towards Legalistic Orientation' - an odyssey through Forensics” on 17.11.2023 &18.11.2023, Belagavi.
  • Maximum Publication - MCON Annual Awards - 2023
  • Resource person for Forensic Nursing and Qualitative Research


Click here for more Pure Portal

The effectiveness of a sexual assault nurse examiner-grounding program (SANE-GP) on knowledge, skill and practice regarding sexual assault examination (SAE) among nurses working in a tertiary care hospital in Udupi district, India: A study protocol.

2022-02-02 Nayak, V Tessy Treesa Jose Palimar, V Dr Anice George

F1000Research, 11, 134.

Ratrijagarana night wakefulness and its impact on Manasika Bhava mental characteristics among industrial workers: A descriptive cross-sectional study.

2021-20-12 Varghese, E Prashanth, K. T. R Kuttikrishnan, M

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, 13(2), 100505.

The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on the Developing Nations: Emerging Mental Health Challenges and Interventions.

2021-30-09 Flavia Sharlet Noronha Asha K Nayak Dsa, R. J.

Indian Journal of Community Health, 33(3), 419–423.

Looking through the lens of a sexual assault examiner: novel trends and approaches in forensic photography.

2021-17-09 Tessy Treesa Jose Nirmal Krishnan, M Anitha, S Nayak, V.C

Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences, 11(1), 27.

The Lived Experience of Victims of Catastrophic Coastal Erosion: A cycle of impact, consequence and recovery.

2021-02-02 Tessy Treesa Jose Roach, E. J.

Sultan Qaboos University Med Journal, 94–102.

Relationship between emotional intelligence, self-esteem, and assertiveness among South Indian youth: A descriptive, cross-sectional study from Karnataka.

2020-01-10 Niyogi, J Dsa, R. J.

Indian Journal of Public Health, 64(4), 402–404.

Prevalence of insomnia, and sleep hygiene techniques practiced among elderly residing in selected old age homes of udupi and dakshina kannada district, Karnataka.

2019-01-01 Iyer, L Asha K Nayak

Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development, 10(9), 462–467.

Parental Involvement, Academic Performance and Mental Wellbeing of Selected Pre-University Students of Udupi District

2018-01-06 Valsaraj B.P

Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development, 2018, 9(6), pp. 273-278 (Scopus)

Forensic clinical photography: A game changer in medicolegal investigation and forensic science

2018-01-01 Renjith, V Kumar, A Nayak, V.C.

Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, 12(2), pp. 262-266 (Scopus)

Improving nursing research reporting: A guide to reporting guidelines

2018-01-01 Renjith, V Tessy Treesa Jose

Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development, 9(4), pp. 301-306(Scopus)

Registration of clinical trials: What nurse researchers want to know?

2018-01-01 Renjith, V Dr Anice George

Nursing Journal of India, 2018, 109(3) (PubMed, NCBI)

Quality of life of mothers having intellectually disabled children: A systematic review

2017-01-01 Geetha, A.K Tessy Treesa Jose Valsaraj B.P Asha K Nayak Savitha Renjulal Yesodharan

Manipal Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences, 3(2), 67-72

Whether a video awareness program is effective in increasing the knowledge of primary school teachers regarding ADHD? An experimental study.

2012-01-01 Asha K Nayak

i-manager’s Journal on Nursing, 1 l (4)

"A study to assess the parental involvement, academic performance and mental well-being of adolescents studying in Pre-University colleges of Udupi District"

Rochelle Jane D'Sa

An Exploratory study to assess insomnia, factors contributing to insomnia and various sleep hygiene activities practice among elderly in selected old age homes of Udupi and Dakshina Kannada district "

Laxminarayan Iyer Asha K Nayak

Laxminarayan Iyer, Asha K Nayak, Renjulal Yesodharan

"A study to evaluate the effectiveness of Mindfulness meditation on depression, stress and life satisfaction among wives of patients with alcohol dependence syndrome (ADS) admitted in selected de addiction centers, Kozhikode District, Karnataka"

Ambika C Tessy Treesa Jose

Effectiveness of geriatric social club on psychological wellbeing among elderly in selected old homes at Kollam

Sreehari R Annie P Alexander

A study to assess the effectiveness of gardening on the wellbeing of elderly in selected old age homes at Kollam

Hima S Mathew Annie P Alexander