- Coordinates Global Training and Education Center (GTEC) & IELTS in collaboration with NHS UK
- Maintains Quality Management System of the institute as QMR since 2009 till date
- Collaborates research activities with University of West of Scotland in area of advanced Dementia a funded project to enhance model centers in India
- Coordinates M.Sc. nursing clinical speciality (Critical Care & Cardiovascular and Thoracic Nursing
- Teaches students in medical and Urology ICU as a clinical supervisor for both UG and PG students
- Takes active role as coordinator for the Medication Safety Certificate course- An interprofessional approach for health sciences
- Conducts various teaching and learning strategies in the form of webinars and tele-simulation series to enhance students’ learning during the pandemic to empower them to learn new skills towards building their leadership roles
- Provides guidance and career counselling for young graduates and follow up with their reference and proceedings for the international market
- Organized outreach program on first aid for Police Trainees for Karkala between 2017-2019
- Organizes first aid programs for Pre-medical students since 2005 and for MBBS students since 2017 till date
- Conducted gap audits for academic institutes and Manipal Hospital Bangalore since 2009
- Encourages and mentors PhD candidates enrolled
- Maintains standards of functioning through peer and student evaluation.
- Guides students with research activities and helps them present and publish
- Counselled COVID-19 positive patient in Karnataka during this pandemic in collaboration with the Step-One Project and Government of India
- Mentored the Community Health Officers of Manipur towards handling quarantine centers and applying various relaxation techniques to calm down the aggressive minds of inmates during the initial spread, March to July 2020
- Reviews research articles with Journal of Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health, World Wide Conference Singapore and Journal of Environmental and Public Health.
Elsa Sanatombi Devi is Professor in the Department of Medical-Surgical Nursing.
Subject | Semester / Year |
Medical surgical nursing- cardiovascular and cardiothoracic nursing | Second Year MSc Nursing |
Medical Surgical Nursing: Critical Care Nursing | Second Year M.Sc. Nursing |
Critical Care Nursing-II | II Year Nurse Practitioner in Critical Care-Post graduate Residency Program |
Designing Nursing Curriculum | I Year M.Phil. Nursing |
Theoretical Framework in Nursing | I Year M.Phil. Nursing |
Degree | Specialisation | Institute | Year of passing |
FAIMER fellowship | Interprofessional Education & Practice | MAHE FAIMER international institute, MAHE | 2018 |
PG Diploma | Guidance counseling and psychology | Royal institution, Pondicherry | 2014 |
PhD | Medical Surgical nursing | Manipal Academy of Higher Education | 2012 |
PG Certificate course | Diabetes Education | 2010 | |
MBA | Health Care Services | Sikkim Manipal University | 2007 |
Certificate course | Biostatistics and research methodology | Manipal University | 2007 |
MSc | Medical Surgical nursing (Cardiovascular And Cardiothoracic Nursing& Renal Nursing) | Manipal College of Nursing, Manipal Academy of Higher Education | 2003 |
PCBSc | Nursing | Manipal College of Nursing, Manipal Academy of Higher Education | 2001 |
GNM (General Nursing & Mid wife) | Nursing | Manipal College of Nursing, Manipal Academy of Higher Education | 1996 |
Institution / Organisation | Designation | Role | Tenure |
MCON | Professor and HOD | ||
MCON | QMR | 2009 - till date | |
MCON | Additional QMR | 2006 - 2009 |
Area of Interest
Dementia- Capacity building for home care of elderly with dementia and to reduce abuse and neglect (Funded by Scottish Government 2019), Elderly Frailty, Elderly abuse and neglect and Health promotion for elderly, Interprofessional approach to teaching learning and practice, COVID-19 pandemic on the life of researchers of Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, Medication safety and patient safety, Child abuse, Women empowerment for health care, Systematic review in areas of dementia and Deprescription, Patient care communication with critically ill patient, Language Competency among young graduates, Emergencies and integrative pathways of care, Complementary therapies for critically ill patient , Tribal studies of Northeast India women and elderly
Area of Expertise
- Medication administration, Nursing care of medical and surgical conditions, Diabetes care, Elderly care, Complementary therapies, Health care assessment, Transactional analysis in patient care and Interprofessional education and Practice - Interprofessional simulation - Author of – - Manipal Manual of Nursing education Text book, CBS, New Delhi, 2006, Mooney’s Surgery for nurses, Elsevier, 2008, Advanced concepts in nursing: Psychosocial aspects of critically ill patient, 2016, CBS, New Delhi, Panoramic View of Northeast India- Pride of the Nation, 2018.
Area of Research
Comparative analysis of the outcome of two teaching learning approaches adopted for teaching pharmacology, Effective infection control measures with LAD therapy- Nurse’s role, Identification of health problems of patients undergoing haemodialysis using Self Care Deficit Theory and application of nursing process approach care, Effectiveness of individualised teaching on diabetic foot care and key factors to compliance among diabetic patients, Professional and personal challenges of nurses when caring for PLHIV, Effect of body position change on selected hemodynamic parameters of patients after Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) surgery in selected hospitals of Karnataka, A comparative analysis of the outcome of two teaching-learning approaches adopted for teaching pharmacology to undergraduate nursing students, Efficacy of an interactive session on nursing students’ perception of assertiveness in clinical milieu, Knowledge and practice of self- medication among baccalaureate nursing students, Perception and attitude towards work-life balance among Allied and Nursing health care professional, Nursing students’ perception of effective teaching methods in learning pharmacology, Knowledge of cardiac emergency drugs and its application in clinical practice among undergraduate students of a college of nursing in Karnataka, Study to assess the effectiveness of interpretative exercises in improving the interpretative ability of Basic B.Sc. Nursing students on selected radio-diagnostic images, SILP for care of patients undergoing haemodialysis, Subjective depressive feelings of elderly above 60 years
Professional Affiliations & Contributions
- National faculty position in Society for wound Care and Research
- Most accomplished faculty award - 2013 & 2019
- Service Above Self award from rotary club Kallianpur, Udupi, 2016
- Best research publication in registered journal 2012 MCON.
- Award for “Maximum number of research publications and presentations”, 2011.
- Award for “Maximum number of research publications and presentations”, 2010.
- Avishkara certificate for idea generated on self-monitoring device i.e. a wrist watch with BP, pulse, respiration and temperature.
- President’s gold medal for standing first in MSc Nursing 2003.
- Life member of TNAI (Trained Nurses Association of India)
- Life member of Indian Science Congress, Kolkata, India
- Life member of NRSI (Nursing Research Society of India)
- Life member of Multidisciplinary Approach to Wound Management and Research Association
- Member of International Society for Pharmaco-economics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR), USA
- Life member of Karnataka Society for Pharmaco-economics and Outcomes (KSPOR)
- Life member of Association of Community Pharmacists of India, MCOPS, Manipal Academy of Higher Education
- Life member of Asian Association of Cardiac Nurses, B M Birla Heart Research Centre, Kolkata
- Life member of Alzheimer’s related disorders society of India (ARDSI) # 421
- Member of BOS Nursing, Manipal Academy of Higher Education
- In-charge Community services and member of Executive Committee - Association of Community Pharmacists of India (ACPI), MCOPS, Manipal Academy of Higher Education.
Coursera Courses completed
- Qualitative Research Methods University of Amsterdam July 2020
- Science of Exercise University of Colorado June 2020
- Introduction to systematic review and Meta-Analysis Johns Hopkins University June 2020
- The Science of Well-Being Yale June 2020
- Understanding Clinical Research: Behind the Statistics University of Cape Town June 2020
- Foundations in assisting for home care The State University of New York (SUNY) March 2020
- Setting the Stage for Success: An Eye on Safety Culture and Teamwork (Patient Safety II) Johns Hopkins University March 2020
- Setting the Stage for Success: An eye on Safety Culture and Teamwork (Patient Safety-II) Johns Hopkins University March 2020
- Design and Interpretation of Clinical trials Johns Hopkins University Feb 2020
- Business model for Innovative care for older people University of Copenhagen Feb 2020
- Science of exercise University of Colorado Boulder Feb 2020
- Patient safety and Qualitative improvement: Developing a systems view business models for innovative care for older people Johns Hopkins University Feb 2020
- Living with dementia: Impact on Individuals, caregivers, community and societies Johns Hopkins University July 2019
- Conflict Transformation Emory University, Altanta, Georgia November 2020.
Specialized training undertaken:
- Leadership Training for organization, Synergic Manipal Integrated Leadership Engagement SMILE program (SMILE) Organized by Manipal University in association with People Business (India) Pvt. Ltd Bangalore. February 2014 to November 2015
- Leadership Training International training program on Leadership & Career Development for Women Scientists and Technologies organized IIE Guwahati Organized by DST Govt. of India, IUSSTF, and COACh USA 2nd-6th September 2015.
"Understanding family carer experiences of advanced dementia caregiving in India: towards a vision for integrated practice",
2020 Ritchie, L Jack-Waugh Dr Anice George Henry, J Martis, C.S. Gangopadhyay, D. Tolson, D.
Journal of Integrated Care, Vol. 28 No. 4, pp. 337-348. https://doi.org/10.1108/JICA-02-2020-0006
Specialist nurse initiated interventions in breast cancer care: A systematic review of randomised controlled trials.
2020 Shejila Chillakunne Hussain Rawther Mamatha Shivananda Pai Donald J Fernandes Stanley Mathew Dr Jyothi Chakrabarty
Journal of Clinical Nursing, Volume 29 (13-14):2161-2180
Evidence-based medicine databases: An overview.
2020 Viji Pulikkel . Chandran Sohil, Khan Girish Pai Kulyadi, Kanav, Khera Athira, Balakrishnan Girish, Thunga
Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. Vol 10 (7): 14
Various Methodological approaches in Medical research: Using exemplars to understand each method and its implications
January 2020 Athira Balakrishna Viji P C Girish Thunga
Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 13(1)
Evidence-based medicine and pharmacy curriculum: an insight into Indian perspective.
2020 Viji Pulikkel Chandran Sohil Khan Girish Pai Kulyadi Girish Thunga
Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science. Volume 19 (4):603-608
Experience of sore nipple and the remedies used among postnatal mothers
2019 D’souza, J.P. Kamath, S
Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development 10(9), pp. 457-461
Self-management and knowledge among people with type 2 diabetes
2019 Vas, A Vidyasagar, S
Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development 10(7), pp. 139-144
Knowledge of critical care nurses on cardiac medications-need for reinforcement workshop
2018 Melita Sheilini Janet Prameela D’Souza
Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development 9(11), pp. 214-217
Lived experiences of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD) - qualitative review
2018 Castelino, F Prabhu, M Mamatha Shivananda Pai Mohapatra, A.K.,
Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development 9(4), pp. 262-265
Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus carriage among health-care professionals of a tertiary care hospital.
2018 Bhat, A.K., Manjunatha Hande, H Baby S Nayak
Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 11(3), pp. 346-349
Randomized controlled trial on the effectiveness of a multicomponent intervention on migraine: A study protocol
2018 Vishnu Renjith Aparna Pai Kurupath Radhakrishnan Baby S Nayak Elissa Ladd Dr Anice George
Journal of Advanced Nursing 74(3), pp. 734-742
Effectiveness of clinical practice guidelines on prevention of catheter-associated urinary tract infections in selected hospitals
2018 Peter, S Mrs Shalini G Nayak
Journal of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences University 7(1), pp. 55-66
Antihypertensive prescription pattern, self-reported reasons for non-adherence to antihypertensive and adherence to lifestyle practices among the elderly.
2018 Melita Sheilini H. Manjunatha Hande Mukhyaprana Prabhu Mamatha Shivananda Pai Asha Kamath Dr Anice George
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 12(1), pp. OC01-OC04
Effect of Preoperative Education on Postoperative Outcomes Among Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
2017 Baby S Nayak Pai, V.B Linu Sara George
Journal of Perianesthesia Nursing 32(6), pp. 518-529.e2
Effectiveness of self-management programmes in diabetes management: A systematic review
2017 Aldrin Vas Sudha Vidyasagar Raviraja Acharya Nileshwar Radhakrishna Rau Dr Anice George Tessy Treesa Jose Baby S Nayak
International Journal of Nursing Practice 23(5),e12571
Psychological impact of cancer diagnosis in newly diagnosed breast cancer patients
2017 Shejila, C.H. Mamatha Shivananda Pai Fernandes, D.J. Dr Anice George
Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development 8(3), pp. 91-96
A randomized controlled trial to evaluate the impact of a nurse navigator programme on outcomes of people with breast cancer: Study protocol
2017 Chillakunnel Hussain Rawther, S Mamatha Shivananda Pai Fernandes, D.J. Dr Anice George Baby S Nayak
Journal of Advanced Nursing 73(4), pp. 977-988
Pre-operative anxiety in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery – A cross-sectional study.
2017 Baby S Nayak Pai, V.B Linu Sara George
International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences 7, pp. 31-36
Effect of Complementary Therapies in Patients Following Cardiac Surgery: A Narrative Review
2017 Baby S Nayak Pai, V.B Linu Sara George
Holistic Nursing Practice, 31(5), pp. 315-324
Cognitive Function among Elderly Residing in Families versus Old Age Homes
April-June 2016 Gishy Vijayakumar Preethy Jawahar
IJONE, Vol 8 (2): 68- 70. doi 10.5958/0974-9357.2016.00050.7
Effectiveness of massage therapy on post-operative outcomes among patients undergoing cardiac surgery: A systematic review.
2015 Pai, VB Patil, N Linu Sara George
International Journal of Nursing Sciences 2(3), pp. 304-312
Risk Assessment of chronic kidney disease
2015 Leena Sequira Ravindra Prabhu Shreemathi S Mayya Shankar Prasad Dr Anice George Baby S Nayak
IJSR, September; Vol 4 (9):70-71
A study to assess the stressor of intensive care unit patients’ and to compare these with the nurses’ perception in selected hospitals of Karnataka state.
2014 Tsering Paldon Flavia Castelino.
IJONE, 6(1): 250-254.
Effectiveness of intra operative hand holding on anxiety and physiological parameters among patients undergoing cataract surgery
June 2014 Anuja B.S Leena Sequira Lavanya Rao Vijaya Pai H
NUJHS, Vol. 4 (2):
An exploratory survey to identify the adolescents with high risk for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and to find the effectiveness of an awareness programme among students of selected pre university colleges of Udupi District.
May-Jun. 2014 Shobha Anusuya
IOSR Journal of Nursing and Health Science (IOSR-JNHS) Volume 3, Issue 3 Ver. II, PP 66-69.
Comparative analysis of the outcome of two teaching learning approaches adopted for teaching pharmacology
2013-01-01 Shreemathi S Mayya Bairy KL Dr Anice George Manu Mohan K
IJONE, Devtech Publishers and Printers Pvt Ltd, Vol 5(2), Pg 66-71.
Communication pattern, attitude towards the importance of communication and factors affecting communication among nursing graduates working in cardiac units.
Jan - June 2013 Jishel D’Souza Melita Sheilini
IJONC, Vol 1(1) 64-67.
Perceptions and Attitude towards Quality of Work-life Balance among nursing teachers.
March. 2013 Gururaja Umesh Maiya Dr Anice George
IJHSSI; Volume 2 (3):52-54
Interpretative evaluation in nursing education students’ perception
2013-01-01 Ratna P Dr Daisy Josphine Lobo Christopher Sudhakar
Indian Journal of Continuing Education, Vol 14 (1), Pg 61-64.
Effective infection control measures with LAD therapy- Nurse’s role
JSWCR, Open Access Journal, Vol 5(1), Pg 43-45.
Identification of health problems of patients undergoing hemodialysis using Self-care deficit theory and application of nursing process approach care.
Jan-June 2012 Ravindra Prabhu Leena Sequira Sreemathi S Mayya Bairy KL ManuMohan K
International Journal of Nursing Education, Vol 4(1):15-17.
Supportive supervision focus for the hour where health is valued (HIV) - a challenge but pleasant experience
TNAI Newsletter, www.inc.org
Effect of body position change on selected haemodynamic parameters of patients after coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery in selected hospitals of Karnataka
2011-01-01 Elsa Sanatombi Devi
Asian Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Vol 19(1), Pg 11-18.
Nursing Professionals attitude towards biostatistics and its implications to teaching
2011-01-01 Shreemathi S Mayya
IJONE, Devtech Publishers and Printers Pvt Ltd, Vol 3(2), Pg 26-28.
Effectiveness of individualised teaching on diabetic foot care and key factors to compliance among diabetic patients
2011-01-01 Yashoda A
Journal SWCR, Vol 4(1), Pg 34-38.
Comparison of depressive feelings of elderly people living in institutionalized homes vs living with family members: A cross sectional study
Jan. - June 2011 Nora KP Dr Daisy Josphine Lobo
IJONE, Vol. 3, (1): 11-12
Knowledge of hypertension patients on prevention of complications of hypertension in selected hospitals of Udupi district, Karnataka.
Jan 2011 Leena Sequira
Asian Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Vol 19(1): 4-6
Knowledge of hypertension patients on prevention of complications of hypertension in selected hospitals of Udupi district, Karnataka.
Jan 2011 Leena Sequira
Asian Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Vol 19(1):4-6
Knowledge and attitude towards voluntary blood donation among the undergraduate students of nursing, medicine and mass communication of Udupi district Karnataka.
Jan 2011 Dr. Binil V
Nightingale Nursing Times, vol 6 (10).
Effectiveness of plain ice cube vs flavoured Ice cubes in preventing oral mucositis associated with 5Flurouracil among cancer patients
2011-01-01 Flavia C
IJONE, Devtech Publishers and Printers Pvt Ltd, Vol 3(2), Pg 38-40.
A comparative analysis of the outcome of two teaching-learning approaches adopted for teaching pharmacology to undergraduate nursing students
Dec-July 2010 Shreemathi S Mayya Bairy KL Dr Anice George Manu Mohan K
International Journal of Nursing Education, Vol 2 (2): 47-51
Identification of health problems of patients undergoing haemodialysis using self-care deficit theory and application of nursing process approach care
2010-01-01 Ravindra Prabhu Bhanumathi PP Leena Sequira Shreemathi S Mayya
IJONE, Devtech Publishers and Printers Pvt Ltd, Vol 4(1), Pg 15-17.
Perception and attitude towards work-life balance among Allied and Nursing health care professional
Dec-July 2010 Ashok Rao, S Mayya Bairy KL
International Journal of Nursing Education, Vol 2 (2): 13-14
Knowledge and practice of self medication among baccalaureate nursing students
July 2010 Shreemathi S. Mayya Ashok Rao Ratna Prakash
NITTE Journal of nursing, July 2010; vol 2 (4): 11-12
Nursing students’ perception of effective teaching methods in learning pharmacology.
July 2010
Nightingale Nursing Times, vol 6 (4): 45-49.
Assessing the risk of Deep vein thrombosis with a view to develop a protocol on its management and prevention.
June 2010 Kaini C Melita Sheilini
Asian Journal of cardiovascular nursing, Volume 18 (2): 2-6
A study to assess the effectiveness of interpretative exercises in improving the interpretative ability of Basic B.Sc. Nursing students on selected radio-diagnostic images in a college of Nursing in Karnataka.
Jan - June 2010 Krishnaendhu A K Malathi K Dr. Rao VRK
IJONE Vol 2 (1): 7-9
Professional and personal challenges of nurses when caring for PLHIV
Quarterly Newsletter of Indian Nursing Council, Vol 2(2), Pg 1
A study to determine the Quality of Life of post-myocardial infarction clients, attending the outpatient department.
June 2009 Sulochana B Tessy Treesa Jose
Asian Journal of cardiovascular nursing, Vol 17 (2): 21-22.
An exploratory survey to identify individuals with hypertension and to find the effectiveness of an awareness programme on hypertension
June 2009 Leena Sequira
Asian Journal of cardiovascular nursing, Volume 17 (2): 17-20
Foot massage for easing cancer pain among cancer patients.
2008 Ratna P Moly
NITTE Nursing journal.
SILP for care of patients undergoing hemodialysis
2008 Bhanumathi PP Aparna Bhaduri
NITTE Nursing Journal
Elderly and depression
2007 Neenu, A Anu P Bindu M Anit, J.N
The Nursing journal of India, 98(10), pp. 221-223
2020 Champa Sharma
A randomized controlled trial to determine the effectiveness of home-based care module and supportive counseling to reduce caregiver burden and depression among caregivers of elderly with Frail Syndrome in rural community of Sikkim (Champa Sharma, 2020)
2020 Effienia D. Wahlang
A descriptive study to assess the knowledge and attitude on chemical restraints in critical care units among the final year nursing students of selected colleges of Udupi district, Karnataka
2020 Seria
Elderly abuse and neglect with Dementia
2019 Clarita Shynal Martis
Effectiveness of Nurse-led intervention on caregiver burden and quality of life among the primary caregivers of patients with dementia – A Randomized Controlled Trial
2019 Jeffin Thomas Jacob Janet Prameela D’Souza Vandana Kalwaje Eshwara Chiranjay Mukhopadhyay
Video-Assisted Teaching Program on Knowledge and Preventive Practices of Catheter-Related Blood Stream Infections among Health Care Professionals: A Hospital-based Prospective
2019 Jesna T
Child Abuse Among Special Children in Kerala
2019 Tanusree Pradhan
A retrospective survey on Clinico-epidemiological profile of venomous snakebite patients in Kasturba Hospital
2018 Timi Thoams
Efficacy of Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) Guideline to Prevent and Treat Breast Engorgement among Post Caesarean Mothers in Selected Hospital in Mangalore
2018 Gloria Samuel
Hand hygiene compliance and its influencing factors among healthcare professionals in the Intensive care unit
2017 Karma Doma Bhutia
Beliefs, Preferences and Practices of End of Life Care among Elderly
2017 Sherine Peter Mrs Shalini G Nayak
Effectiveness of Clinical Practice Guidelines on Prevention of Catheter-associated Urinary Tract Infections in Selected Hospitals
2016 Monica Tonia Thomas Mariamma V George
A Study To Assess The Effectiveness Of A Planned Teaching Programme On Diabetes Mellitus And Its Management Among Asha Workers In Selected Areas Of Udupi District, Karnataka.
2016 Gishy Vijayakumar Preethy Jawahar
Cognitive function among elderly residing in families versus old age homes
2015 Bobby Sindhu Dr Jyothi Chakrabarty
Effectiveness of inflatable lumbar support (ILS) for the prevention of short term backache among post-operative female patients undergoing lower abdominal surgery under spinal
2014 Aldrin Vas
Diabetes self-management
2013 Gishel Nisha D'souza Melita Sheilini
Communication pattern, attitude towards the importance of communication and factors affecting communication among nursing graduates working in cardiac units
2012 Dr Sangeetha Priyadarshini
Child abuse and neglect among children of Udupi District
2011 Flavia Castelino Dr Jyothi Chakrabarty
Effectiveness of plain ice cubes versus flavoured ice cubes in preventing oral mucositis associated with injection 5-fluorouracil among cancer patient.
A study to assess the effectiveness of interpretative exercises in improving the interpretative ability of Basic B.Sc. Nursing students on selected radio-diagnostic images
2009-01-01 Krishnaendhu
The study is in the area of radio diagnostics where high specialisation was required. The students underwent exposure to the specific diagnostic images under the expert guidance of the radio diagnostic faculty. The students’ exercise test included all interpretative exercise through images to be labelled and identification and also justification. The study proved that interpretative exercise helped students’ learning more meaningful through clinical reasoning and critical thinking to take a critical decision in nursing care management.
Efficacy of an interactive session on nursing students’ perception of assertiveness in clinical milieu
2008-01-01 Pragya Sharma
The project aimed at exploring the status of postpartum depression in Udupi district. The study was done among 3rd year BSc Nursing students. An intervention on assertive exercises was given with various scenarios and the study proved that assertion improved among nursing students in the clinical scenario after the intervention and hence assertiveness can be taught and learnt.
2007 A. Neenu P. Anu J. Rosemary B. Anju S. Dalphina K. Y. Divya J. Sonia M. Bindu J. N. Anit
Depressive feelings among the elderly
Effect of body position change on selected haemodynamic parameters of patients after coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery in selected hospitals of Karnataka
2006-01-01 Sajith Kumar
The project was based on positioning patient after coronary artery bypass graft. The patients selected belong to both groups who underwent on-pump and off-pump surgery at Manipal Hospital Bangalore. The study examined the various body position that may impact the patient’s haemodynamic parameters after CABG Surgery.